
Spring Cleaning

So, I was blog browsing the other day,  hiding from my crafting mess and looking for a little inspiration, when I happened on this little idea from Clover Lane : 40 Bags In 40 Days

The goal is to go through the house and attempt to get rid of, donate or sell anything that you can live without. Basically, spring cleaning. I have trouble with spring cleaning. I tend to look at things as a whole. I could spend the whole day spot cleaning the carpet and making it look amazing but then when I look up the couch needs cleaned too, the kids have made a mess all over the table, the kitchen still needs swept, and on and on and then my clean carpet doesn't seem so awesome anymore. It doesn't seem like I actually accomplished anything. So, I'm gonna give this a whirl. 1 bag a day. I can do that and if I get more, bonus points for me!

How about you? Whistle while you work? What helps you get the job done?


  1. Crank the music!!! I may join in the Spring Cleaning!!!

  2. Forty items... I don't know if I have bags.

    Or maybe an incomplete project a day.

    Or editing a batch of neglected pictures a day...

  3. Hmmmm!!!! I could easily get rid of 40 bags of my kids' stuff!
