
Autumn Wreath

I was searching through Pinterest the other day when I found this inspirational tip from The Penny Parlor!

It is a piece of pipe insulation that you can buy at the hardware store. On her blog she said that she was able to get 6 feet of it for 96 cents! Here it was just over a dollar but compared to a wreath form from the craft store it's still a steal!!! 

Next I searched for some inspiration on burlap wreaths and here's some of my favorites:

I have my burlap, my cheap foam wreath form, and some inspiration. Now to get started!

I cut my pipe insulation to the size I needed. I tried to just tape up the ends of the tube like she did but I found that it just folded in half. To give it more stability I stuffed my tube with the classifieds. It worked pretty well.  Then I taped my ends together with the only tape I had on hand.

You know pink zebra striped duct tape is awesome! *wink* 

Then I glued down some left over burlap with one frayed end sticking out. 

Next is on to the flowers. I just bought a bunch of fall flowers for 40% off and pulled them off the stems.

So pretty.

And that's it. 

I hung it on my door. 

I might move it and put it off to the side of my door like I have done in the past because I'm not really excited about having a wreath in front of the window.  

Total cost:

Burlap: left overs- free
Flowers:  $3. 40
Pipe Insulation: $ 1.16 

I only use half of the insulation so I will use that for my next wreath project and I still have about half of the flowers left too! Hm... what else needs some Fall spirit around here...

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  1. ooh I love the burlap flowers one, do you know how to make those? I want to try it but it looks a bit more complicated. I love the frayed burlap on your wreat too. My kind of style.

  2. All I can say is WOW - this is so pretty and the price was definitely right!!

  3. You would pay $40 for that wreath at Michaels Arts and Crafts! It is beautiful! Glad the tip was a success!!
